what is fetal alcohol syndrome

Early intervention and a stable, nurturing home are important to protect children with fetal alcohol syndrome from some of the other issues they’re at risk of later in life. It occurs when a fetus becomes exposed to alcohol during pregnancy. Early detection and treatment can help children learn vital skills and improve their chances of being able to live independently as adults. This exposure typically occurs when a pregnant person drinks alcohol, and it enters the fetus’s bloodstream through the umbilical cord. Some of the most severe problems happen when a pregnant person drinks in the first trimester, when the baby’s brain starts to develop. The brain is still developing then, and even moderate amounts of alcohol can disturb this process.

Symptoms and treatment of fetal alcohol syndrome

You’ll notice we use the term “woman,” “women,” and “mother” in this article. While we realize this term may not match your gender experience, it’s the term used by the researchers whose data was cited. Treatment for the mother’s alcohol misuse can help with better parenting and prevent future pregnancies from being affected. If you know or think you have a how to treat alcoholism problem with alcohol or recreational drugs, ask a healthcare professional or mental health professional for help. However, early intervention and support often help improve child development. Depending on the symptoms a child with FAS exhibits, they may need many doctor or specialist visits.

what is fetal alcohol syndrome

How is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) diagnosed?

what is fetal alcohol syndrome

However, while higher amounts of alcohol are more harmful, there is no known amount or type of alcohol that is safe to consume while pregnant. All alcoholic drinks, including wine and beer, have a similar effect on a developing baby. A doctor or health visitor will need to know if your Alcoholics Anonymous child was exposed to alcohol during pregnancy to help make a diagnosis of FASD.

What are FASD-related behavioral issues?

FAS is the most severe fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), a group of conditions caused by PAE. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders describes the range of conditions in children caused when the mothers drank alcohol during pregnancy. Symptoms vary greatly among children and can include all or a mix of physical, behavioral, and learning and thinking problems. Many features seen with fetal alcohol syndrome also may occur in children with other conditions. If fetal alcohol syndrome is suspected, your pediatrician or other healthcare professional will likely refer your child to an expert with special training in fetal alcohol syndrome. This may be a developmental pediatrician, a neurologist or another expert.

In addition, NIAAA funds conference grants that support the annual meeting of the FASD Study Group () and the International Research Conference on FASD in Vancouver. A list of NIH funded FASD-related projects may be found at NIH RePORTER, selecting FASD under the NIH Spending Category of the Advanced Project Search. The challenges that occur along with fetal alcohol syndrome can be difficult to manage for the person with the condition and for the family. If one child in a family is diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome, it may be important to evaluate siblings for fetal alcohol syndrome if the mother drank alcohol during these pregnancies.

what is fetal alcohol syndrome

People with FAS may have problems with their vision, hearing, memory, attention span, and abilities to learn and communicate. While the defects vary from one person to another, the damage is often permanent. Treatment strategies for FAS include nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions. If your child is diagnosed with an FASD, the diagnosis will be for a specific condition under the umbrella of FASDs, as listed above. In 2019, CDC researchers found that 1 in 9 pregnant people drank alcohol in a 30-day period of time. According to the CDC, a person with FASD may experience difficulty controlling their anger and frustration, which can lead to violent and explosive behavior.

  • Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders describes the range of conditions in children caused when the mothers drank alcohol during pregnancy.
  • An individual with FAS may have noticeable changes to their face and limbs, as well as delays in the way their body develops over time.
  • If a baby has exposure to alcohol in the womb, they can develop a range of conditions known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs).
  • You may be familiar with a condition called fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

what is fetal alcohol syndrome

Alcohol in the mother’s blood passes to the baby through the umbilical cord. Parental training is meant to help parents to help families cope with behavioral, educational and social challenges. Parents might learn different routines and rules that can help their child adapt to different situations. Often, having a stable and supportive home can help children with FAS avoid developing mental and emotional difficulties as they get older. During the first three months of pregnancy, important stages of development happen with the face and organs such as the heart, bones, brain and nerves.

  • However, with early identification and support, children with FAS can learn important skills that can aid their development.
  • This usually involves physical examinations and blood tests to rule out genetic conditions that have similar characteristics to FASD.
  • If you are pregnant and can’t stop drinking alcohol, ask your obstetrician, primary care doctor or other healthcare professional for help.
  • Alcohol exposure can damage facial features in the first three months of pregnancy and affect growth and brain development at any point during pregnancy.
  • Therefore, it is critical that every effort be made to collect alcohol consumption information using methods that maximize accurate disclosure.

Dealing with behavioral issues

In one small-scale study (Troese et al. 2008), infants of mothers with the highest alcohol use estimates (median split) exhibited atypical infant sleep state and movement parameters. These infants had increased sleep fragmentation, with brief sleep episodes that were interrupted after sleep onset by wakefulness, and significant reductions in the duration of sleep-related spontaneous movements. Consistent with the resultant developing sleep deprivation, prenatal alcohol exposure also was significantly related to maternal reports of decreased infant alertness and increased irritability. All of these sleep-related parameters have been found to predict increased risk for SIDS in other studies (Schectman et al. 1992). This means that everyone who has FASD =https://ecosoberhouse.com/ displays the symptoms in different ways.

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